The Benefits of Outdoor Digital Signage for Business

Promoting your business can be a full-time job in itself. Between managing social media, responding to online reviews, approving an ad campaign, and determining sale prices and dates, marketing has become more complex and challenging.

However, technology has made some types of marketing easier and more effective. A perfect example is the digital sign. These devices offer versatility, visibility, and attractiveness that can boost your business. Consider these benefits of outdoor digital signage for business.

Brand Awareness and Recall

Digital signage promotes brand awareness. People who see digital signs remember them, with a recall rate of 83%. Outdoor digital signage captures more views and more attention than other electronic media.


With an outdoor LED sign, you can post announcements the second they’re ready. Alert the public to sales, special events, or relocations with a few clicks on a keyboard that change the information displayed on your sign.

Energy Efficiency and Cost Effectiveness

Outdoor digital signs use LEDs for illumination. LEDs are far more energy-efficient than conventional lighting.

Digital signage reaches a higher percentage of people than other electronic media. Because most people spend up to 70% of their time outside their homes, digital signage has a better chance of being seen, and therefore a higher number of impressions, compared to other forms of advertising. That lowers the cost per impression, making a digital outdoor sign a cost-effective choice.


Digital signs can increase engagement with your customers. Through careful observation and data gathering, you can learn when and why drivers pass by your location where they can view your sign.

With some creativity, your sign can become a local landmark, where people go out of their way to read your joke of the day, participate in a contest to win one of your products, or to see a family member or neighbor celebrated for their years of service.

You can also change messages that speak to morning commuters when they drive past, or address those stuck in rush hour traffic going home. Reach sports fans on game days and music fans on concert nights. The ease of messaging is one of the greatest benefits of digital LED signs for business.

For advice on the type of sign that might work best for your business and that fits within your budget, contact Guthman Signs today.

3 Ways To Promote Brand Identity Through Digital Signage

Your brand is a promise to customers that they’ll have a memorable, predictable, and compelling experience with your products. Brands convey a company’s personality, mission, and values, giving consumers a relatable backstory they can comfortably adopt and make part of their lives.

A brand is more than a logo and a color palette. A company conveys its brand in every interaction with the public, whether through televised advertising, social media messaging, web content, or outdoor displays.

Technology has given brands many creative outlets to convey their identity. One of the most effective is signage. Electronic signs for businesses provide information about products, services, and a company’s or product’s personality. Here are three ways to promote brand identity through digital signage.

Create Visibility

Outdoor signs are landmarks in many communities. An outdoor electronic sign lets a business be visible to everyone who walks or drives past its location. Use a digital sign to establish a presence in the community that draws customers toward your brand and your brick-and-mortar location.

Make Your Sign a Physical and Virtual Destination

Houses of worship have figured out that signage brings in congregants. The web is full of images of church signs conveying punchy, funny, inspirational, and memorable messages.

Businesses can also pick up on this trend by using digital signage to convey messages that embody the brand. Is your brand’s personality lighthearted? Become the sign displaying the great joke of the day. Does your brand center on environmental responsibility? Post a “green fact” or statistic about how your company and its employees helps improve your local environment. For instance, you can go over the tons of waste your sustainable practices kept out of landfills.

Add your sign’s message to your social media accounts for a layered brand identity approach. Soon, consumers will internalize your brand’s personality and values, aligning themselves with your brand and loyally making it part of their personal identity.

Show Your Employees and Community You Care

Any brand’s best ambassadors are the people who work to manufacture, distribute, and sell its products or services. Using a digital sign for employee recognition sends a signal of appreciation to your employees, and a message that you’re a caring employer to your community. With workers’ permission, highlight birthdays, work anniversaries, and awards. Post messages of gratitude for the long service of soon-to-be-retiring employees.

You can also use your digital sign to respond to emergencies. Your company may offer help for people displaced due to fires or floods, serve as a drop-off point for relief supplies to war-torn or drought-stricken areas, or offer volunteer opportunities for a local clean-up or fundraising effort. If so, you should post that information on your digital sign.

There are many more than three ways to build brand identity with digital signage. However, these suggestions can get you started. Contact Guthman Signs before you make any digital sign purchase decision. We act as an unbiased broker for 15 sign manufacturers and can advise you on the best type of sign for your purpose. Additionally, we can go over pricing, materials, and durability. If you’re contemplating adding a digital sign for your business, call Guthman Signs today.

What Info Should You Put in a School Marquee Sign?

Although educators may find their students’ devotion to their phones frustrating, digital communication infiltrates every aspect of our lives. Screen-saturated students and their parents expect to receive information in electronic form. School signs are no different.

When your district has invested in led school signs, you must also decide what information to put in a school marquee sign. These signs are so versatile, you can change the messaging every day to take advantage of the morning drop-off drill, where students arriving on foot, by bike or bus, or in cars driven by their parents will see your school sign.

Read on to explore some suggestions for school marquee sign messaging.

Promote Events

Reinforce the messages you send via email and text with signage that highlights upcoming events. Most will be aware of upcoming football and basketball games, but give the lesser-known teams a boost with messages about track, cross-country, tennis, and debate. Celebrate those victories on your sign.

You can also remind your entire community about upcoming fundraisers and school theater productions, plus band, choir, and orchestra concerts. Your sign will help you build audiences for students who work so hard to prepare excellent performances.

Finally, there are the social events: homecoming and spring formal dances, pep rallies, and community service days. Your sign can involve the entire community, not just students and parents, in what’s going on in the schools, inspiring greater participation and support.

Celebrate Academic Achievements

When your school places at or near the top of state testing or a senior student wins a prestigious scholarship, offer congratulations on your school sign. Display the names of colleges and universities that have accepted your graduating seniors or the percentage of your students taking AP exams.

Alert Parents to Upcoming Deadlines

A permission slip stuffed in a backpack is easy to forget, while a school marquee sign can issue a bold reminder that parental action is necessary. Remind parents of parent-teacher meeting schedules, PTO/PTA meetings, and days when students are out of school. Signs will help you avoid surprised and disappointed parents claiming they didn’t get adequate notice of schedule changes.

Display Emergency Information

When bad weather is in the forecast, alert your town with a message on your school sign. Issue reminders about disaster drills, school closures, and community preparedness. If bad weather, fires, or floods affect your community, schools are often scenes of refuge and sources of information.

Putting timely information on your LED school sign raises awareness of the school’s achievements and events. Use signage as an opportunity to involve the community and give notice to students and parents of deadlines and actions they need to take to ensure participation in events. Build school spirit by displaying the school’s name and mascot in colorful, animated, and eye-catching lighted displays.

For details and information on LED signs for schools, contact the experts at Guthman Signs. We can help you select the type of signage that will be most effective for your schools.

1. Defining the Scope of Work, Needs, and Budget

Every sign project comes with its fair share of customization and nuance. You need to know what aspects of the sign are most important to you, so that you can quote the appropriate vendors. This includes the cost, longevity, ease of installation, tech support, software, etc. It’s this step where you determine where the sign is going, and what size/resolution. You also delve into the design a bit so that you as the client can get an idea of what options are available.


2. Discovery Phase 

Every city and county is different across the U.S. so it’s difficult to know what you’re “permitted” without reaching out to the local zoning office. Guthman Signs offers this service at $50, or the client is welcome to get that information themselves. This should be done FIRST, because it helps provide a framework for the quoting and designs. A business or church may WANT a 50 square foot sign, but only be “permitted” 32 square feet, for example. you get this information early on in the process so that there are no surprises when we go to pull permits for the installation of the sign.


3. Quoting and Design

Once you know the parameters you are working within via the zoning regulations, you can then work up different designs/quotes using all of our national vendors across the country. Often times we will send a video along with our quotes in an effort to explain how the various vendors differ in their offerings. You will then need to schedule a follow-up meeting to discuss the pros and cons of each option according to your preferences, and then go back to the vendors with your feedback.


4. Quote Comparison and Design questions

Because there isn’t ANYTHING we CAN’T build, this phase can sometimes take a bit. You have unlimited options for faux stone, brick, masonry etc. and access to quotes from 13 of the most popular LED vendors in the market. Our job is to streamline your access to ALL of the options out there, and provide unbiased feedback so that the client can make the best decision for their own unique circumstance. This is often the stage where we pit LED vendors against each other on your behalf in order to help drive down the cost for the client.


5. Final quote/design selection/scope of work (installation) paramaters

This is where you settle on the design, quote, and installation of the sign. Guthman Signs can be as hands-on, or hands-off as you’d like us to be with your sign project. We can simply ship you an LED display for self-installation, or provide a turn-key proposal including permits, install, etc. Our terms are 50-50. 50% of the overall sign project costs is required to begin production. Once the quote and design are also signed off on and sent back, we start the engineering process of the sign.

6. Permits/surveys 

BEFORE we start building your sign, we need to make sure ALL necessary permits are approved. This is to make sure your organization isn’t on the hook to buy a sign that you aren’t permitted to have. This may involve electrical, building, and sign permits. Surveys may need to be done before or after providing a firm installation quote (depending on the scope of work.)  


7. LED Sign Production

Once you have all permit/survey docs, you can put the LED sign “into production.” Depending on the customization of the sign, our signs typically range anywhere from 6-12 weeks to fabricate. Guthman Signs does provide much more information throughout this process than ANY other company in the market. When applicable, we will provide updates, including pictures of the progress being made throughout the entire build process.


8. Final 50% payment/sign shipment

Once the sign is ready to ship, we will invoice the final 50% of the overall project cost. Once that is received, we will provide tracking information and set up the shipping and receipt of the sign (whether that’s our turn-key solution, or us simply shipping the sign to you to install yourself.)


9. Software/tech support set-up

We will get you in touch with the LED provider for your sign and set you up for the software tutorial/demo. We will make sure you have all of the contact information for any and all potential issues moving forward. 


10. Follow-up Quality Check call/email

We will check back in with you after a month or two to make sure everything is performing up to standards in case there are any “loose ends”.

How LED Signs Can Increase Church Attendance

Most churches have signage outside to identify the denomination they represent or to welcome all to services. But when you learn how LED signs can increase church attendance, you may consider upgrading from your static signage to something more customizable.

LED signs are dynamic message boards that can display updated messages as necessary, so each time someone sees it, they may see something new. Updating the message on an LED sign is as easy as typing new text, selecting some graphics, and clicking a few keys on a laptop to direct the software that runs the sign to display the new information.

LED Signs Welcome All

Houses of worship of all faiths benefit from LED signs because these signs allow them to communicate with the surrounding area. Churches, synagogues, mosques, temples, and meeting houses can all use signage to send messages of welcome to draw in curious newcomers and to lure returnees who’ve been out of the habit of attending services back to worship.

They Can Become Neighborhood Landmarks

People drive past your church every day of the week, so your church sign may become a local landmark. People may give guests and strangers directions using your sign as a point of reference. As a neighborhood fixture, an LED sign provides you with an opportunity to communicate not just your church’s name and the time you hold services but also upcoming events, scripture verses, and local news. People will come to rely on your church sign as a source of inspiration, a reminder of important events, or a supplier of uplifting local news. These notices draw interest—and they may draw more folks through the door.

Newcomers Often Look for Signs

Moving to a new town requires many adjustments, and one of them is finding a compatible congregation. Your church sign can act as a welcome wagon for new neighbors and convey your congregation’s personality in the messages you post. Piquing newcomers’ interest with a regularly updated welcome message may inspire them to choose your church for next Sunday’s service.

LED Signs Are Attractive and Budget Friendly

An electronic sign needn’t be garish or overly bright. The latest technology helps churches post legible greetings and sharp images that are both tasteful and informative. And although budget may be a concern, many congregations have found that installing LED signs is quite cost effective. Anyone who drives, bikes, or walks past will see the clear messaging, eliminating the need to print flyers and mailers to announce events. Reminders on the sign can direct congregants and guests to your website to download next week’s order of worship or sign up to bring food to the potluck.

LED signs can increase church attendance with current messaging that’s important to the neighborhood and attractive to newcomers. The Sign Specialists at Guthman Signs can help you choose the most appropriate digital church sign for your property. Contact Guthman Signs for information on how we can help your church thrive with new LED signage.

Things To Consider When Choosing an LED Sign

Signage can make a difference in a business’s success. New LED signs provide bright, clear signage that states your message in vibrant detail. There are several things to consider when choosing an LED sign.

Visual Quality and Image Resolution

The most important consideration for outdoor LED signs is visual quality. You want potential customers to notice the beauty of the sign and the information it conveys. You don’t want them to glance at your sign and think, “Wow, that looks choppy!”

LED signs display detailed images with vibrant colors. However, the image resolution required for maximum effect depends on the distance between the sign and viewers. Large signs meant to be seen from the highway require a larger “pixel pitch” than smaller signs intended for streetside or building display.

“Pixel pitch” is the distance from the center of one pixel to another. A “pixel” is a group of red, green, and blue LED lights. Signs meant to be seen from closer up require a smaller pixel pitch.

Durability and Weather Resistance

Outdoor signs must be sturdy and weather resistant. Consider the severity of wind storms in your area, the frequency of heavy precipitation, and other potential hazards like fire or earthquake. No sign will survive a major natural disaster completely intact, but you can choose weather-resistant signs that keep moisture out.


One of the most important things to consider when choosing an LED sign is the operating system that controls the message and images on the sign. If you change your message often, you may want to choose a synchronous system that reflects your changes the moment you make them.

If you won’t need to change your sign often, you can pre-program a few rotating messages to run automatically until you decide to re-program the sequence.


Most areas have strict zoning requirements for business signage. Zoning requirements may affect the permissible size, brightness, and location of your sign. Be sure to check all applicable restrictions on the type of sign you can put up in your location to avoid costly mistakes.


Large LED billboards aren’t cheap, but they have been shown to have a positive return on investment by bringing in new customers and increasing sales. If your budget is tight, it is still possible to get the benefits of energy-efficient, bright, effective messaging by using a light-box arrangement or other less expensive design that uses LED lighting.

Contact Guthman Signs with any questions about what type of LED sign is right for your business. Our years of experience and expertise will help you select the most effective sign design to boost your bottom line.

Top 5 Ways to Care for Your LED Display and Increase its Longevity

  • Keep Ventilation in Mind

Make sure that your LED display is properly vented (whether that’s on the side, back, or front of the sign.) LEDs give off different levels of heat depending on the factory of origin when run for extended periods of time. So, it’s imperative that the air is able to freely move in and out of your sign in order to keep the components cooled and operating at the highest level. Review the factory manual or ask your Sign Specialist for model-specific guidance. Some LED vendors will actually try to nullify your warranty if you don’t properly vent their project. We are very familiar with the large range of products in the market, and this is why we quote the proper display to allow for proper ventilation in your unique situation.


  • LED Sign Content is Important

Limit the amount of pure white background you use. LED’s don’t just “die” one day and never turn back on again, like a normal light bulb, for example. LED’s are effective in outdoor displays because they shine bright enough to compete with the sunlight. That’s why you can’t just buy a regular old indoor TV and put it outside (aside from those also not being warrantied for outdoor use) and have it be effective. LED diodes degrade over time, and the rate of that is determined by the quality of the LED diodes. White is the color that requires the most output on LED displays, so if you limit those, you can extend the lifespan of your LED display.


  • Optimize the LED Sign’s Schedule

Through your sign’s control software, set the sign on a schedule, so that it’s running during high traffic hours, and maybe less so later into the night, for example. Running your display 24/7 is a surefire way to degrade the LED diodes the quickest. Organizations typically have an idea of when the majority of their “traffic” is coming throughout the day. Setting your sign to turn on at 7am and off at maybe 8pm will help you not only save money short term, but also extend the life of your sign. Careful scheduling like this can save you years of use on your sign.


  • Physical Maintenance

Clean the boards with regular dish detergent (a few drops per gallon of water) every 6 months. These displays are meant to stand up to extreme conditions, but it never hurts to help the situation a bit. Depending on the display, the more connection points you have in your LED display, the more potential “failure points” you have. The less debris and other contaminants you can keep off of and inside of your sign, the better. 

NOTE: Do not pressure wash your sign. It potentially pushes water past barriers and/or into connections that are otherwise protected from the elements.


  • Restart/Refresh the LED Sign’s Controller

Shut the sign down and reboot it once every few months. A lot of companies update their software throughout the year, and the best way to make sure you’re up to date is to power the sign down every once in a while. This way, you know you’re up to date on your software, so that won’t be an issue when troubleshooting in the future. 

NOTE: Do not restart or refresh your sign by manually cutting the power to the sign. Always follow the guidance in the manual provided by the factory.

If you have any more questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our team of sign experts!

Many areas require an independent laboratory listing be visible on electronic signs of any kind in order to provide a permit for installation. So, logically, it is often sought after. However, it can be extremely difficult to make sense of how an independent testing facility like UL, ETL, MET, or CSA, or others affect the way you should view the quality of any given product. The sign and display industry has made this particularly difficult since each company tries to make the case for their listing, or lack thereof, leaving you at a loss as to the truth of the matter. In this post, we’ll break down each of the top 3 listings to help separate the sales and marketing talk from the real truth of each. We’ll also include a few nuggets of info to help you decipher these options and verify them for yourself.

But first, it is important to understand just how these listings are given. Whether it is a single component, or a whole solution, like an LED church sign, for example, each manufacturer must pay the laboratory to submit their products to testing. The manufacturer works together with the laboratory to fix any issues causing the component or solution to fail any given test. Some laboratories also require regular visits to the manufacturer’s factory (usually 2-4 times per year) in order to verify that standards are being kept. These processes can be extremely costly, resulting in a higher-priced product in most cases.

#1 UL Listing (Underwriter Laboratories)

UL has been around the longest of the independent testing facilities and is widely recognized as a measure of quality and safety. For this reason, many sales companies and manufacturers alike tout UL as their quality standard.
However, claims do not always match up with the truth in these circumstances. The reason for this is that there are different types of UL Listings. You will often hear claims like UL Compliant, fulfills UL standards, or made with UL Listed components. These are red flags. Many factories use one or more components that are UL Listed, but leave the rest without any testing to cut costs while providing a quality statement.
The correct full listing of any given sign solution should read “UL Listed” with the trademarked UL Listed logo (see below).

Also, UL knows this is going on in many markets so they provide a free search tool where you can verify any company’s claims of being UL Listed. You can access that tool here:


#2 ETL Listing (Edison Testing Laboratories)

The benefit of using ETL as the lab of choice for manufacturers is that they have a lower cost, and testing is generally a quicker process from start to finish, making it easier to innovate and change products while maintaining a quality listing. ETL is recognized by most of the same entities that accept UL Listing standards. The general rule is that ETL recognizes UL standards, but UL does not recognize ETL standards. Most experts in the signage industry, including outdoor LED signs, recognize both listings as acceptable. However, since ETL is lesser-known, many buyers feel it is substandard simply for the difference in brand recognition.

The ETL mark should be verified equivalent to the logo seen below.

Many claims are made for ETL compliant products etc , much like the UL claims outlined above. Thus, ETL has also provided a search tool to allow buyers the power of verification. You can access their database search tool, here:$$Search?OpenForm


#3 MET Listing (Eurofins)

In the past, MET laboratories were a competitive alternative to UL and ETL due to lower cost and a focus on OSHA standards rather than varying from those standards to create new required verifications that are billed to the manufacturers using their mark. In recent years, MET has grown enough that they decided to adopt the same tactics as ETL and UL in this sense, now requiring manufacturers to verify, and re-verify components and solutions previously confirmed as a way to make more money. However, MET laboratories do still focus on the OSHA requirements as a tactic to further verify their standing as a solid testing choice. Today, MET is an alternative that is still somewhat less expensive than ETL and UL, so many manufacturers are adopting the MET mark as their preferred show of compliance with quality and safety standards. MET visits factories 2 times per year for verification compared to up to 4 times a year required for many UL listed factories, depending on their size.

Most permitting offices accept MET marks for permitting in signage, but it is always a good idea to verify first before purchasing a MET labeled product for your outdoor electronic sign project, just to be sure.

It is always a good idea to verify the MET listing logo seen below as well.

MET Laboratories certification directory can be searched for verification purposes here:


#4 CSA (Canadian Standards Association) Group

Some people may not recognize the CSA mark, but it has indeed been a very reliable International Standards Development, Testing, Inspection, & Certification company based in Canada for over one hundred (100) years. Initially focused on building energy standards, they have branched into all fields including mental health and safety, and electronics including electronic signage such as LED signs and marquee displays as well.

In 1992 The United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration accredited CSA as a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL). See notes below concerning the NRTL Listing process and background.

Manufacturers have claimed that CSA is much easier and more logical to work with because they have fewer fees and penalties. Reports are clear that CSA is more willing to allow for corrections to an issue prior to charging fees or penalties. This is at times seen as a weakness to the validity of the CSA mark. This is incorrect however, as such a perspective neglects to take into account that improvements still result from regular factory inspections. CSA proponents argue that this process is much better than draconian fees making, because it allows manufacturers to more freely expose issues and subsequently learn from them in much more effective fashion than perhaps they would have if they feared fees or other repercussions. 

The CSA mark should be verified equivalent to the logo seen below.

CSA Group’s Product Listing directory can be searched for verification purposes here:

For more information on CSA Electrical Product Standards see here:

A note on NRTL Listing (Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory)

You might notice claims concerning NRTL Listings for quality and safety standards while doing product research. NRTL is a program started by OSHA, and MET was the first to adopt this mark. The goal was to standardize the testing standards provided by the US government. However, this left UL, ETL, MET and others to simply add on to the OSHA standards as a way to set themselves apart as going above and beyond national standards, primarily as a marketing tactic.

If you have any more questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our team of sign experts!

According to the Sign Research Foundation, ( sign quality directly impacts an organization’s ability to attract people in many ways.

The Good News:

This is true whether the organization is a business looking to improve revenue, a school looking to increase community involvement, or a church with a newfound need to reach out to the community and drive attendance, or a municipality seeking to improve community outreach and emergency communications.

Fact #1:  76% of people said they have entered an organization they had never been to before because of the sign.

By considering more creative styles and electronic message centers, you can capitalize on this fact by making your sign more unique, and thus, more noticeable.

Fact #2: 75% of people say they have referred someone to an organization solely because of the sign.

Referrals are any organization’s most prized engagement. LED signs create a sense of uniqueness, reliability, and trustworthiness, making them the best possible marketing tool for assisting referrals.


Fact #3: 67% of people purchased a product or service because the sign caught their eye.

Most signs are “invisible” to the passer-by. This is because typical sign designs are so common, that audiences become desensitized to signs that in the past would have captured their attention. With LED Digital displays you can avoid this problem. Instead of a normal sign, that doesn’t change, LED signs with ever-changing and unique content will make you stand out…


Fact #4: 50% of people said that an old or poor sign deterred them from entering a business.

Signs are often considered a decoration, or ornament for a property. Of course, signs can serve this purpose, and do it well, but many underestimate the power of signs. Signs are one of the most important marketing tools for an organization. Be sure to regularly check your sign and upgrade when needed to avoid a decline in marketing effectiveness and loss of revenue.


Fact #5: 68% of people believe a sign reflects the quality of an organization’s product or service.

With this in mind, creative styles and designs, as well as dynamic LED message centers are great for building confidence in your organization’s brand. Be creative and don’t be afraid to stand out with your sign design. Chances are, you are more creative than you think.


Fact #6: 60% of organizations that updated their signage saw a 10% increase in revenue.

If your sign is old, damaged, faded, or failing in some way, keep this in mind. It is virtually guaranteed that upgrading your signage will increase your marketing plan’s effectiveness.


Fact #7: 85% of your audience/customers/parishioners are within a 5-mile radius of your location.

The people you seek to serve most, are all within your reach. However, if you do not stand out, because of an outdated sign your organization will suffer losses as a result. Keep your sign updated, uniquely designed, and implement LED signs when possible, to stand out, build trust, and meet your organization’s goals as a result.


Definition of Programmatic Advertising 

The use of Artificial Intelligence and machine learning to buy advertising in real-time, instead of going through human negotiations and pre-set prices. In the early days, the number of publishers grew quicker than the number of advertisers – meaning there were more websites available than people willing to advertise on them. This left publishers with an oversupply of ad space, and large quantities of unsold inventory. 


As a solution to this, ad networks were created. They were platforms that pooled unsold ad space from several publishers and made it available to advertisers at a discounted rate. The problem with this approach was targeting. 

If you chose to advertise on a large publisher’s website there was no way of knowing who saw your ads. Products aimed at an audience of, say, people over the age of 50 could just as well be shown to 25 year-olds. This brought on the birth of Real-Time Bidding (RTB) – the first real instance of programmatic advertising.


Programmatic Targeting 

The problem with this approach was targeting. There are a number of ways you can choose to target your ads with programmatic advertising, to achieve better accuracy and results. These are the most common strategies that advertisers use to target where their ads appear: 

o Contextual Targeting 

o Keyword Targeting 

o Data Targeting (Audience targeting) i.e. cookies 

o Geo-Targeting 

o Retargeting


Programmatic Continues to Grow 

Digital ad dollars as a percentage of ad spend are projected to more than double in a ten-year period. 

According to emarketer, Programmatic is going to account for 86.5% of all digital ad spend in the US in 2021. The primary growth in ad spend will be in  video, social media, mobile, and DOOH ads.


Programmatic Ad Spending Graph


Top Trends in the Programmatic AD 

AI in Programmatic Advertising: 

Programmatic advertising statistics show that in 2020 one of the top trends is automation–– AI and machine learning. It is expected that by 2021 digital ad spend will increase by 88% in the US. 

o Dynamic, data-driven, automated creative 

By maximizing contextual relevance, such as time of day, weather, traffic,  brands can manage contents to maximize media value. 

o Predictive Analytics & Audience Targeting: 

One of the primary benefits of AI in DOOH is unlocking of predictive analytics to allow agency and media to make better decisions 

o The use of Artificial Intelligence in programmatic advertising will continue to rise. This is because it provides the marketers with a deluge of data that enables them to target the right people at the right time, through the right channel, on the right device, and with the right message.


Digital Out of Home (DOOH) Combined with Mobile Location Data 

o Combined with mobile location data, DOOH is capable of redefining how advertisers/marketers can deal with the vital last mile between the store and home, or online and offline. A direct impact is guaranteed on the scale and speed of conversions while connecting advertising and buying. 

o Marketers that use DOOH for their programmatic advertising can combine location data with their ads. This allows them to write content that can be tailor-made. This content’s reach can be immense, as brands can display their DOOH ads in locations like train or bus stations or shopping malls. 

o Programmatic DOOH is a medium that is good-for-all. It will provide both experimental and performance marketing as it gets more accurate with first- and third-party information from companies. 


5G Network will Enhance all Forms of Programmatic Advertising. 

By 2030, the use of 5G tech is estimated to expand to 1.4 billion users. This means that programmatic advertising will have an ample audience to run sharper and more interactive ads without lags across mediums. 

The high bandwidth speed of 5G enhances THE ADTECH ecosystem, allowing websites and videos to process faster, enabling precision of ad placement and delivery through the right mediums with perfect timing and with lightning speed. 


Omnichannel or Integrated Programmatic Advertising is the Way to Go 

o 49% of agencies are using their ad technology for programmatic media buys. 

o According to New research by IPONWEB and ExchangeWire, 49% of the entire advertising fraternity is carrying out programmatic media buying with their technology. This is enabling the agencies to gain better performance across various vital media measurements and buying criteria. The research originates from a survey of 129 programmatic professionals. The research concluded that 58% of agencies in EMEA depend on their technology, while 56% used US agencies 


Personalization will Remain Paramount 

o Programmatic customization is increasing. This allows marketers to offer highly personalized and relevant messaging to a target group. In conjunction with AI predictive modeling, the programmatic ad technology can serve more specific messages at the right time and place.


Take advantage of the unique benefits of DOOH programmatic advertising by purchasing a top-of-the-line LED Sign today.


Let us help you make a well-informed purchase. Contact Guthman, your digital experts, for the best LED signboards in the industry.