Churches are adopting LED display technology at record numbers and many companies are pouncing on this trend. Each company and/or factory are making increasingly broad and often exaggerated claims to gather the attention of church leaders. This leaves church leaders with a very difficult problem to solve. How do we know what makes one outdoor programmable LED display different from the next? How can you even tell? What are the real variables church leaders should be considering, and how do you separate fact from fiction? The following variables are what you should consider as you hear marketing and sales pitches from these companies about their products.

#1: Made in America

What could be more attractive to patriotic church leaders than to tell them their sign will be made in the USA? The truth is that there is no such thing as a 100% American made LED sign. In fact, the truth is actually much more faceted than these claims would lead people to believe. There are only 3 factories in the United States that make their own LED sign modules within the United States. However, regardless of the factory, all LED diodes are made overseas, as the LED diode price is such that a US-made diode would be far too expensive to compete in the American market. In addition to diodes, power supplies, cables, controllers, processing chips, and most LED sign components are made in China, primarily in the Shenzen region. Manufacturing modules within the United States means these companies are able to control quality better than their competitors and produce many longer-lasting products. Companies that integrate foreign components into cabinets at assembly lines in the USA often price themselves equal to the US manufacturers making their own modules in house. They make the US-made claims at the same time to align themselves further, although these claims are at the least hyperbolic.

Pro Tip: Check for examples in the field from the manufacturer if possible to see LED displays in operation over 5 years. If there are examples in the field over 5 years that are still operational, the probability is that it is a US-made LED module.

#2: Integrators

Often times the factories manufacturing LED modules in the USA are simply too high in price. So, the market addresses this gap through LED display integrators. Integrators bring components from many different parts of the world and integrate them into aluminum cabinets at assembly lines based in the USA. This reduces cost, allowing the customer’s price to be much lower for what would seem at face value, to be the same quality as a US-made module. This is not the case, of course, but some integrators do reach a good quality at a reasonable price. They do this by controlling and testing quality of the components they bring in from overseas. However, it is notoriously difficult for US-based companies to control the quality of the components they are supplied with. Research and development, including testing and weathering of components are extremely costly, so most integrators do not perform these processes of quality control. Integrators do provide an attractive alternative to the high price points in the industry, but unbiased and transparent information should be sought out before making a decision based on hearsay or marketing and sales claims. Control software packages are competitive in this space, so it is important to understand the options and how each applies to your circumstances. Most integrators offer competitive cloud-based software solutions allowing you to manage the LED sign from anywhere.

Pro Tip: Ask about tech support warranties and content creation solutions. You will need to service the LED sign from an integrator within the first few years in most cases, and content can be hard to create for these software solutions, so it is important to have a solid plan for tech support and content creation or content libraries where available. Many integrators offer labor warranties as well as content creation and tech support plans. Ask, compare, contrast, and pit options against one another to find the best most reliable information. An unbiased Sign Specialist can come in handy for this as well.

#3: Drop-Ship Importers

Drop-ship importers bring LED displays to the US as out of the box solutions. Just like integrators like to market themselves as US-made factories, drop-ship importers attempt to align themselves with integrators to reassure clients. Local sign companies often resort to these options due to the low price as they typically do not work with more than 2-3 LED signs per year, thus cashing in on these projects is their modus operandi. Warranties vary from 1-3 years typically although some companies will increase the price of these LED displays so they can add years to the warranty in order to further align themselves with the integrators of the market. Software options for these products are extremely limited and almost never offer cloud-based functionality. If you see a quote for an LED display with a 5-year warranty, but the software is limited or requires a separate laptop to operate it, most likely it is a drop-ship sign that has been marked up. Another telltale sign of a drop-ship product is the way definition is described. Definition in the United States market is measured in millimeters such as 10mm, 16mm, 20mm, etc. Chinese markets denominate these measurements as P10, P16, or P20 for example. However, a drop-ship product can fulfill the needs of organizations under circumstances of low budget, and/or short timelines where 1-3 year longevity is acceptable with a low upfront cost.

Pro tip: If you notice a long lead time of 10+ weeks for delivery, or if the timeline is a matter of a few days, this should raise suspicion that the product is a drop ship product. 10+ weeks on delivery can mean the sign needs time to be built and shipped from China and if the lead time is just a few days, the sign is not being manufactured for your project but is being pulled from a shelf in a warehouse, thus it is most likely an importer.

One of the easiest ways to save money on your LED sign is to be calculated in your choice of display size. Bigger is not always better. Sales people often take advantage of this misconception and encourage buyers to go as big as they can. Too large, and your sign can communicate the wrong message to the community, too small and you could be one step up from being invisible to the community.

5 tips for Choosing the Right Size LED Sign

  1. The Role of Definition
  2. The Role of Distance
  3. The Role of Content
  4. The Role of Speed
  5. The Role of Public Image

#1: The role of Definition

LED signs come in many different definitions, or “Pixel Pitches”. These are measured in millimeters and the measurement reflects the distance from the center of one pixel to center of the pixel adjacent to it. Higher definition signs have many more pixels than a lower definition sign would. So, if you are limited to a smaller size sign, choose a higher definition to allow for a more dynamic use of the area you are allotted. If you are considering a larger size, then a lower definition may be the way to go in order to save money.

Pro Tip: Definitions (Pixel Pitches) commonly used range from 6mm-32mm depending on the manufacturer you choose. Optimal viewing distances range from 15 feet (6-10mm) and up to 150 feet (26-32mm). Take this into consideration when choosing the size/definition to match your circumstances.

#2: The role of Distance

Start with the position of the audience (distance from the sign to the audience passing by). If all you want to get across is a few words in text format, then you can judge the size needed by knowing the distance to the passers by as long as they have 5 seconds of view time minimum. If you want to show animations or high definition images, then the size you choose will be largely dependent upon the viewing distance as well.

Pro Tip: if you have a large distance to cover, then a low definition sign at a larger size, is the most economical choice. If you have a short distance, it is generally a better idea to use higher definition signs. Consider any additional height of the sign to calculate this variable as well.

#3: The role of Content

Content is the driving force behind all other variable choices in any LED sign project, including the size of the display. To illustrate this importance, imagine two signs of identical size, at a distance of 150 feet. The business requires the content on the sign to include real life pictures at a high definition. One sign has a definition of 10mm, and the other is a 20mm sign. Even though the 20mm sign has half the definition of the 10mm sign, and half the number of pixels as the 10mm sign, the real life pictures displayed on the signs will look nearly identical to the audience 150 feet away. However, if the same signs are placed 30 feet away from the audience, the 20mm will be too blurry to view while the 10mm will be perfectly clear.

Pro Tip: Decide what content you want to use the sign for prior to choosing size. Use the variables of distance and definition to find the best possible combination for your desired outcome and circumstances.

#4: The role of Speed

Outdoor LED signs typically are focused on marketing to the traffic passing by their location each day. While speed limits are good guidelines, the true speed of traffic is often significantly higher than the posted limit. Take this into consideration as it can affect your decision concerning size, which will change other variable such as definition and content choices as well. Generally speaking, the higher the speed of traffic, the larger the sign needs to become. This is due to the 5-second rule. You can use a speed/size tabulation as a guide. You can find one here for reference:

#5: The role of Public Image

While speed, content, definition, and distance all make important impacts on the decision of what size to use for your project, public image is often just as important although it is often overlooked. Consider the vision and mission statements of your organization. Who are you currently, and who do you plan on becoming, in the minds of the community you aim to reach? A larger sign can send a positive message of stability and dedication to your field, or it can send a message of decadence or affluence that could potentially harm your marketing goals. It all depends on your organization’s identity and audience. By matching your identity with how you believe the community would prefer to view your organization or church, you can assure the proper size to communicate that image effectively.

LED signs make businesses grow quickly by providing a platform where they can show more about the business and its offerings in incredibly dynamic fashion. However, many owners of LED signs find themselves at a loss after their sign is installed. What kind of content works best? How often should the sign change? Questions like these are common. Most LED sign owners should have an established strategy for their sign. The following proven tips will help you establish a content strategy on your LED sign, whether you are a church or a school, that will attract buyers and increase revenue.

Top 5 Ways to Use Your LED Sign to Attract Customers

  • Use Appropriate Timing
  • Use Smart Colors
  • Choose a Manufacturer to Fit Your Needs
  • Consider Your Inventory
  • Be Patient

#1: Use Appropriate Timing

A foolproof way to find out how quickly your sign can be read is to simply create a test slide on the display and drive by the sign at the speed of traffic. Count the seconds that pass from the moment you are able to read the sign until you pass it. If you noted less than 5 seconds you need to make your text larger or the image larger, so the display is more visible from further away. A 5-second view time is the minimum view time for any driver to capture the message effectively. If you are over 8 seconds in view time, the messaging should be programmed to change messages at 7-8 seconds to avoid over exposure and make the best use of your messaging capacity.

Pro Tip: If you have yet to purchase your LED sign, you can perform this test with cardboard, whiteboard, paper, etc. but be sure your text height is no smaller than 5’’ and keep the word count to 3-5 for a realistic test. Increase the size of text as needed to create the 5-8 second view time you desire.

#2: Use Smart Colors

A common mistake with content creation for LED signs is over saturation of color. Many people trend toward the use of multiple bright colors to get their message across. However, the lack of contrast can be a very real problem. Black outlines on text can help offset this, but the best methodology for content creation on LED signs is to use no more than three colors at a time with at least one of these being a dark tone.

Pro Tip: Be careful to use solid backgrounds whenever possible of either a dark tone or a bright tone, with the overlaid text being the opposite tone to create the desired contrast. This is especially necessary for borderless LED displays.

#3: Choose a manufacturer to fit your needs

As people choose their LED display manufacturer they often focus on the specifications of the sign, as they should. However, content is often lost in this equation where in reality it is perhaps the most important part of any sign project’s marketing efficacy. Some manufacturers offer content creation packages to assist you if you are uncomfortable taking this on yourself. Other manufacturers provide tutorials and webinars to educate clients on how to make the best possible content for their sign.

Pro Tip: Many manufacturers include standard content libraries as part of their software offering. Ask how much content is included and what, if any support is offered concerning content creation. Take these variables seriously before buying, and you will get much more out of your sign than perhaps you even expected.

#4: Consider your inventory

Stale inventory can be the downfall of a business. Tailor your content on the LED sign to match what you want to move out the door. Many LED sign owners focus on marketing what they have had success with, and this would seem like a safe bet to increase sales. However, the reasons why people have not purchased your inventory could easily be that they hav enot realized you offer the product(s) to begin with.

Pro Tip: Plan on regular sale offers timed to match the timing of the excesses in inventory you have found. Your community will also grow familiar with this pattern and can often create customer loyalty as a result.

#5: Be Patient

LED signs are often mistaken to be drivers of impulse buys. Although they do drive short term impulse buys in certain circumstances, it is more common to have a gradual more sustainable effect on buyers. People go with what is top of mind when they have the need or desire that matches your business. Staying top of mind with the community will create loyal customers that will support your business for many years to come. Short term impulse buys are great, but rarely do they support a business long term unless the entire business model favors fast buys at a low dollar amount.

Pro Tip: Think of your customers as your neighbors. They need to know who you are and why you are trustworthy. They need to know you are there when they need you. Be consistent in messaging and promotion cycles over time and people will notice.

So you have an LED church sign, but now what?

There is a saying the LED sign industry, “Content is king.”

Quite simply put, if your LED sign has the most amazing brightness, full-color range, and high definition, and your content is lacking, it won’t matter how much you’ve invested.

Effective LED sign content for churches is THE most important factor for your project. As a marketing tool, LED signs are made to produce high-quality dynamic marketing strategies. Below are some tips and strategies to make the most of your LED church sign’s content.

#1: Take the time to create a strategy and vision.

Since LED signs are a considerable investment, it is important to formulate a strategy to maximize that investment. Think about what your church’s mission and vision statements are. How can they be shown in text, photo, or video clip form? What about activities, events, and initiatives like fundraisers that are going on? Think about how these activities can be shown in text, photo, or video formats. Most LED sign software packages allow you to work ahead and create graphics, animations, etc and schedule them out as far in the future as you’d like. Most LED sign manufacturers provide unlimited software training to assist you.

#2: Know your limitations.

LED sign definitions can vary widely. Know before you buy it. Definition, in LED signs, is measured in millimeters and is often referred to as “pixel pitch”. These measurements represent the distance between the pixels on your sign. So, the smaller the number, the better the definition and the larger the number, the lower the definition will be. In general terms, definitions of 6mm-16mm are capable of displaying full-color photos, animations, and text with clean lines. Definitions from 19mm-32mm+ are ideal for marketing that is focused on larger-scale text applications.

#3: Take advantage of your resources.

Most LED sign manufacturers are very interested in having great content on your sign. They will often provide training, demonstrations, and consultations. Some even offer content creation packages as well. Most LED signs will include standard graphics packages you can take advantage of as well. Remember, LED sign companies depend on their reputation in the field, so they want your sign to look amazing, just as much as you do.

#4: Stick to the basics of color.

Color combinations that look good on computer monitors or televisions do not always translate well to LED signs. This is due to the difference in definition and brightness between indoor ultra-high definition screens and outdoor high brightness displays. Contrast is of immense importance. Light tones on dark tones always create better contrast. Choose 2-3 colors your church feels comfortable with and return to these regularly in your content to provide a sense of the continuity of your brand.

#5: Think about the scale of your sign.

You will be previewing your sign’s content on a computer monitor most likely. Take that into consideration. Many people write full sentences over photos etc and neglect to recognize that with each word added, the text size must become smaller. Your goal should be to minimize the number of words used at any cost. Ask yourself, “can this be said with fewer words?” If the answer is yes, your content isn’t ready. If the answer is no, and your text size is too small, consider separating the message into two slides.

#6: View time.

The minimum time required for a passer-by to be able to capture your message is 5 seconds. Consider the speed of traffic as part of this equation. You can refer to a speed-view time-text size quick reference chart, can be found here:

#7: Slots and cycles.

Outdoor marketing professionals refer to a standard of eight (8) seven-second slots that rotate every 60 seconds as a rule to optimize repeat views. It often takes many views or “impressions” for the public to make a decision to act on your content. So establishing a 60-second loop with a max of 8 slots of content will allow you to standardize your consistent message while allowing you to change some slots depending on what events, initiatives, or seasons are currently important to the church.

Steps to take for your Church Sign messaging:

  • Take the time to create a strategy and vision
  • Know your limitations
  • Take advantage of your resources
  • Stick to the basics of color
  • Think about the scale of your church sign
  • View time
  • Slots and cycles

Contact Guthman Signs today to learn more about which Church LED sign is best for your needs!

As students, teachers, and faculty return to their daily routines, they often disconnect on important school issues. This time of year can be absolutely chaotic for parents, and students as well. So communicating effectively with your LED school sign will be an important way to bring everyone back together again and keep them in the know about important messages you have for the community. But how? The following tips will help you produce great dynamic and engaging content for the new school year.

#1: Keep it simple.

Schools often try to convey their messaging in its entirety by adding many too many words or too many slides. Parents, students, and faculty are all extremely stressed and busy during this time of year. They need to know the most important things to help them engage with the school’s community, but they need these messages to be delivered in 2-5 words over a maximum of 3 slides of 5 seconds each.

Segment your messaging for morning and afternoon pickup times so your main audience is getting the information they need in a quick and effective format. During the day schedule your content to display what you need the community at large to know in addition to the important messaging you’ve created for morning and afternoon pickup times.

#2: Focus on what’s important in the short term.

Many schools try to blast the community with their entire schedule of events, requirements, and initiatives from day 1. Bad idea. Consider segmenting your calendar into 1-3 month segments to narrow down the content into easily digestible playlists of 3 slots of 5 seconds each for parents to take in. You can schedule these out ahead of time as well so the sign doesn’t become a constant time drain.

#3: Focus on images.

A picture says a thousand words. It is a cliche, but in the case of LED signs, it is absolutely true. Think about what moves your community emotionally? A simple photo can often send a strong message for you, allowing for 2-5 words to be used to convey the action you’d like the audience to take. In short, the image tells the moving story, and the text tells them what to DO with that emotional response.

#4: Watch the brightness.

Many schools have their LED sign installed, then forget about it, as if it were a lawn ornament of sorts. It won’t matter if you have great content and marketing strategies if your sign has degraded to the point it won’t compete with the sun. When admin and faculty return for the school year, the sign can be forgotten about. People don’t see signs that don’t compete with the sun’s brightness. Sometimes a setting can be made in the sign’s software to remedy this problem, but often full replacement is required. Consult the manufacturer if you are unsure how to increase the brightness settings for your sign.

#5: Highlight your heroes.

You have the community’s attention now, perhaps more than you will for the rest of the school year. By creating encouraging content around the accomplishments of star students, star faculty members, or even star parent volunteers, can all set the tone for encouraging community involvement. People are much more likely to support the school if they see others being recognized for doing so. Students and parents alike respond to this in surprisingly effective ways.

Back to School Signs 101 Recap:

  • Keep it simple
  • Focus on what’s important in the short term
  • Focus on images
  • Watch the brightness
  • Highlight your heroes

Contact Guthman Signs today to learn more about which School LED Sign is best for your needs!

Churches are installing LED signs across America in growing numbers thanks to the plethora of options to fit most church budgets in one way or another. Although this is an exciting and beneficial trend in church marketing, LED signs are often an entirely new endeavor for most church staff members. This lack of experience matched with the extreme importance of high-quality content on LED signs, means most LED signs are not being used to their fullest potential. The following 5 methods, ideas, and considerations are meant to spark creativity for Churches with LED signs to help remedy this trend.

#1: Fundraisers.

Most churches know how to plan and implement fundraisers. But how do you use your LED sign to market the fundraiser? Consider the digital sign at the earliest stages of planning, to be sure your marketing content across bulletins, website, and/or other notices are all complimentary with the sign’s capabilities.

Pro Tip: If your LED sign is a lower definition, make sure the principal message is short enough to be read easily on the display. IF you have a high definition sign, be careful not to crowd the sign with too much text, rather focus on a single powerful and recognizable image with 1-3 words to compliment. The goal is to create interest in 4-6 seconds, not communicate all the details.

#2: Spotlights

Churches have everyday heroes in their congregations. People that demonstrate the church’s vision for service are community champions that deserve the spotlight. By using your sign to recognize amazing acts of service in the community, your church can communicate exactly how it is helping the community. Trust, excitement, engagement, and fundraising all benefit from getting the word out on the heroes we drive past every day.

Pro Tip: Don’t ask permission. Service heroes tend to be humble and don’t usually seek public recognition. They do like to feel loved and appreciated (don’t we all?). It isn’t necessary to use names on the sign of course, but a powerful photo of a service hero in action can provide the background for powerful and engaging messaging.

#3: In times of need.

Congregations often seek ways to serve in their communities, but in times of dire need (ie imminent danger, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, or others) it can be hard to coordinate so many willing community servants in time-efficient ways. Use your LED sign to help coordinate times, dates, places, and initiatives quickly and efficiently. When you update your social media sites, website, blog, text groups, or community email, update the sign as well, so those who wish to serve have the information they need to be able to engage with the community’s urgent needs.

Pro Tip: Create an emergency playlist template in the LED sign software so you are ready when the time comes to simply edit the text and post quickly. Creating a playlist to upload on the sign at the time of need can be impossible due to time constraints. Having a playlist on hand will make it a no brainer when/if the time comes.

#4: Team up with other churches.

By co-sponsoring, events with broader community impact are possible. LED sign marketing allows for co-branding on events such as concerts, revivals, VBS events, camps, performing arts programs, etc. Larger draws such as famous artists etc can be expensive. But sharing cost by providing marketing spots on your sign can allow your reach to grow exponentially.

Pro Tip: Check with your local radio station, performing arts theater, and/or nationally recognized speakers as well as local and regional businesses, churches, etc to combine efforts in this way. They will often partner with churches to share costs, especially if they can market to the community through your LED sign.

#5: Be funny.

A quick humorous message or photo on an LED sign can be a memorable experience. Communities feel a sense of trust when comedy is use don signs. Since they are not being “sold”  or “marketed” to per se many people become more curious about an organization. Quite simply put, comedy builds a sense of trust.

Pro Tip: There’s a comedian or two in every congregation. Ask around for ideas and you might be surprised at the great ideas already waiting in the minds of your church members. 

Best Ways to Engage Your Community with Your LED Church Sign Recap:

  • Fundraisers
  • Spotlights
  • In Times of Need
  • Team Up with Other Churches
  • Be Funny

How to make your signs or LED signs last longer? Whether you have a church signschool signbusiness sign, or municipal sign, it can be hard to know when the time has come to replace it, or whether it simply needs some TLC. Many people view signs as oversized lawn ornaments, thus they don’t pay attention to them until it is often too late. Your sign is an important marketing tool that often acts as the first impression you make on the community. The following insights can help you add years to your sign and make the most out of your investment while avoiding some common mistakes.

#1: Keep the outside clean!

It might seem like a no brainer, but many organizations forget about the fact that their sign is outdoors 24 hours a day 7 days a week, exposed to the elements constantly. This means, just like your car, your sign is constantly being exposed to dirt, dust, pollen, and chemicals that can degrade the sign little by little.

Pro Tip: Spray off the sign with a hose (freshwater only) if possible at least once every 3 months. If you live in a coastal area, or in arid environments, you may want to do this once a month. Do not use chemicals to clean your sign.

#2: Check on the inside.

Signs make great homes for dust, cobwebs, and debris to hang out. Open up your sign and vacuum it out with a handheld vacuum at least once every 6 months to keep illumination showing through clearly and protect against damage to electrical components. Be sure to cut the power to your sign prior to performing this maintenance. Ask your Sign Specialist to provide guidance as needed.

Pro Tip: A dry soft brush can also come in very handy for removing debris etc in tough spots. Be sure not to use cloth, paper towels, etc., as these can lodge particles in electrical connections without you knowing it causing failures and/or short circuits. Do not use any liquids to clean inside your sign.

#3: Keep it on.

It might seem counterintuitive, but “resting” a sign by turning it off entirely does little to nothing to make your sign last longer. In fact, stresses from power-up, and power-down cycles can often actually cause more wear and tear than would otherwise be the case.

Pro Tip: If your electrical service is inconsistent, or if brownouts and/or blackouts will occur from time to time, it may be a good idea to ask your electrician to provide an electrical conditioner to be sure consistently clean electricity is being provided to your sign.

#4: Hands off.

Signs are damaged every day by well-meaning individuals looking to “polish” their sign. The materials used for modern electronic signage, are durable, but they are not made to withstand abrasion or friction of any kind. If your sign is dusty or dirty, a simple spray off with clean freshwater is all it will need. If you think the sign needs a heavier cleaning and you aren’t sure how to do it safely, consult with your Sign Specialist as the best heavy cleaning method to perform will depend on the materials used for your specific sign.

Pro Tip: Power washers can come in handy, but the widest possible setting (lowest pressure setting) should be used. Paint, vinyl, acrylics, and polycarbonate materials can all be damaged by high-velocity power washing.

#5: Keep it rust-free.

Steel poles and/or tubing are commonly used for structural elements of signage for the material’s durability and strength. Even though most steel poles are treated, painted, or powder coated to avoid rust, it will still occur. Aluminum structures are used from time to time as well, but even aluminum can degrade causing the sign’s support structure to be compromised. During periodic cleanings remove any dirt or debris that has built up at the base of the sign and be sure no water is able to “pool” near the structure.

Pro Tip: In regions where rain and/or snow is prevalent it is often a good practice to add a thin layer of cement around the base of each pole to avoid pooling around where the foundation meets the pole at ground level.

How to Make Your LED Sign Last Longer Recap

  1. Keep the outside clean
  2. Check on the inside regularly
  3. Keep it on
  4. Keep your hands-off
  5. Prevent it from rusting

BusinessesChurchesSchoolsCivic Organizations, and Municipalities are all adopting LED signs at a record pace, but why? Although LED technology is not necessarily a new thing, many organizations are unsure about adopting an LED sign into their marketing plans. In this edition of Sign Language, we will review the top 10 reasons why any organization should consider making use of modern LED technology. The following is in no specific order of importance, as reasons will vary in importance from one organization to the next.

Reason #1: Return on Investment.

There simply is no better investment for attracting local markets to an organization than LED message centers. Since displays can last over 10 years, the investment should be considered a long term marketing investment, rather than a simple on time purchase. With this in mind, returns on investment are considerably higher with LED signs vs traditional formats like flyers, TV ads, newspaper ads, or radio spots.

Reason #2: Invisible vs. visible signage.

The next time you are driving through your local area, purposefully take note of the signs you drive by every day. Take note of all the signs you never noticed before when you were simply making your daily commute to work, for example. You will notice that most signs that are on that route most likely have been entirely invisible to you until now. Traditional sign styles are extremely common, thus they become all but invisible to passers-by. Dynamic LED signs with quality content displayed, stand out, in part, thanks to all the invisible signs surrounding them.

Reason #3: Staying top of mind with Community Relations.

How often have you taken advantage of someone’s LED sign to check the time, date, temperature, or local events? Banks were one of the very first business sectors to adopt LED signs in the late 1980s when LED signs were limited to a few simple words to display the time, temperature, and date. They found that even though the format was simple, having time, date, and temperature displayed on their sign brought attention and recognition to the bank as a community-focused entity. Passers-by often find that LED signs become part of their daily routines. Modern organizations are staying top of mind with their local market by providing not only time, temperature, and dates, but community events, and weather reminders.

Reason #4: Adaptability and flexibility.

Traditional sign styles are almost always static in nature. The purpose of these styles has always been to simply identify the location with very little targeted marketing involved. Today, LED signs offer a much more flexible platform allowing you to tailor your marketing efforts quickly and easily to focus on the right demographic at the right time with the right message to match your organization’s needs. Many LED signs even allow for cloud-based control systems so you can manage the sign from virtually anywhere.

Reason #5: Protection of your investment.

Many modern LED sign factories provide strong long term replacement and/or labor warranties for their signs. Compared to Other methods of local marketing, your investment will be unprotected and short-lived. LED displays offer the chance to invest wisely by providing people with a peace of mind that their hard-earned money will go to a worthwhile, proven, and protected medium.

Reason #6: Co-advertising.

Organizations of all types can benefit from co-branding and/or co-advertising on any marketing medium. LED signs offer a very attractive platform for advertisers looking to share marketing space and reach their audience. Non-profits, schools, and churches make great use of this for fundraising efforts and events to create momentum around their events, missions, and core vision. Businesses often team up with other local businesses to create synergy in marketing efforts, especially when the businesses relate to one another directly.

Reason #7: Prestige and confidence.

Electronic message centers are often used to create an air of confidence in communities. Few things say, “We are here to stay.” more than a well designed and implemented LED sign program. People go where they feel comfortable and well taken care of by an organization that is going to be there for them in the future as well. LED signs can produce these feelings in local markets before they even step through the door.

Reason #8: Multiple site control.

Today’s organizations are becoming increasingly focused on multiple sites. Franchises, multi-site churches, non-profits, chains, and municipal sign programs all require that branding and messaging be dynamic and consistent across all locations. Modern LED programmable signs can create this effect by allowing all signs to be programmed from a single account from anywhere in the world.

Reason #9: Safety and Emergency Messaging.

Through RSS feeds, Amber Alerts, FEMA notices, local police, firefighters, and EMTs are benefiting local communities every day with important messaging at the most important moments where getting the word out quickly and effectively can mean the difference between life and death.

Reason #10: Engagement is fun.

Many organizations find LED signs enlightening and fun outlets for creativity. By searching for new ways to engage with your local market in creative ways, it not only benefits the bottom line but creates a fun environment around organizations. Humans love to engage in creative ways and LED signs to provide a great platform to showcase this love in public. A funny message, enlightening message, or inspiring words of encouragement delivered with creativity can create lasting relationships between organizations and their communities.

Top 10 Reasons of Why You Need An LED Sign Recap

  • Return on Investment
  • Invisible vs. Visible Signage
  • Community Relations
  • Adaptability and Flexibility
  • Co-Advertising
  • Prestige and Confidence
  • Multiple Site Control
  • Safety and Emergency Messaging
  • Engagement is Fun


Let us help you make a well-informed purchase. Contact Guthman, your digital experts, for the best LED signboards in the industry.