What Info Should You Put in a School Marquee Sign?

What Info Should You Put in a School Marquee Sign?

Although educators may find their students’ devotion to their phones frustrating, digital communication infiltrates every aspect of our lives. Screen-saturated students and their parents expect to receive information in electronic form. School signs are no different.

When your district has invested in led school signs, you must also decide what information to put in a school marquee sign. These signs are so versatile, you can change the messaging every day to take advantage of the morning drop-off drill, where students arriving on foot, by bike or bus, or in cars driven by their parents will see your school sign.

Read on to explore some suggestions for school marquee sign messaging.

Promote Events

Reinforce the messages you send via email and text with signage that highlights upcoming events. Most will be aware of upcoming football and basketball games, but give the lesser-known teams a boost with messages about track, cross-country, tennis, and debate. Celebrate those victories on your sign.

You can also remind your entire community about upcoming fundraisers and school theater productions, plus band, choir, and orchestra concerts. Your sign will help you build audiences for students who work so hard to prepare excellent performances.

Finally, there are the social events: homecoming and spring formal dances, pep rallies, and community service days. Your sign can involve the entire community, not just students and parents, in what’s going on in the schools, inspiring greater participation and support.

Celebrate Academic Achievements

When your school places at or near the top of state testing or a senior student wins a prestigious scholarship, offer congratulations on your school sign. Display the names of colleges and universities that have accepted your graduating seniors or the percentage of your students taking AP exams.

Alert Parents to Upcoming Deadlines

A permission slip stuffed in a backpack is easy to forget, while a school marquee sign can issue a bold reminder that parental action is necessary. Remind parents of parent-teacher meeting schedules, PTO/PTA meetings, and days when students are out of school. Signs will help you avoid surprised and disappointed parents claiming they didn’t get adequate notice of schedule changes.

Display Emergency Information

When bad weather is in the forecast, alert your town with a message on your school sign. Issue reminders about disaster drills, school closures, and community preparedness. If bad weather, fires, or floods affect your community, schools are often scenes of refuge and sources of information.

Putting timely information on your LED school sign raises awareness of the school’s achievements and events. Use signage as an opportunity to involve the community and give notice to students and parents of deadlines and actions they need to take to ensure participation in events. Build school spirit by displaying the school’s name and mascot in colorful, animated, and eye-catching lighted displays.

For details and information on LED signs for schools, contact the experts at Guthman Signs. We can help you select the type of signage that will be most effective for your schools.


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