3 Ways To Promote Brand Identity Through Digital Signage

3 Ways To Promote Brand Identity Through Digital Signage

Your brand is a promise to customers that they’ll have a memorable, predictable, and compelling experience with your products. Brands convey a company’s personality, mission, and values, giving consumers a relatable backstory they can comfortably adopt and make part of their lives.

A brand is more than a logo and a color palette. A company conveys its brand in every interaction with the public, whether through televised advertising, social media messaging, web content, or outdoor displays.

Technology has given brands many creative outlets to convey their identity. One of the most effective is signage. Electronic signs for businesses provide information about products, services, and a company’s or product’s personality. Here are three ways to promote brand identity through digital signage.

Create Visibility

Outdoor signs are landmarks in many communities. An outdoor electronic sign lets a business be visible to everyone who walks or drives past its location. Use a digital sign to establish a presence in the community that draws customers toward your brand and your brick-and-mortar location.

Make Your Sign a Physical and Virtual Destination

Houses of worship have figured out that signage brings in congregants. The web is full of images of church signs conveying punchy, funny, inspirational, and memorable messages.

Businesses can also pick up on this trend by using digital signage to convey messages that embody the brand. Is your brand’s personality lighthearted? Become the sign displaying the great joke of the day. Does your brand center on environmental responsibility? Post a “green fact” or statistic about how your company and its employees helps improve your local environment. For instance, you can go over the tons of waste your sustainable practices kept out of landfills.

Add your sign’s message to your social media accounts for a layered brand identity approach. Soon, consumers will internalize your brand’s personality and values, aligning themselves with your brand and loyally making it part of their personal identity.

Show Your Employees and Community You Care

Any brand’s best ambassadors are the people who work to manufacture, distribute, and sell its products or services. Using a digital sign for employee recognition sends a signal of appreciation to your employees, and a message that you’re a caring employer to your community. With workers’ permission, highlight birthdays, work anniversaries, and awards. Post messages of gratitude for the long service of soon-to-be-retiring employees.

You can also use your digital sign to respond to emergencies. Your company may offer help for people displaced due to fires or floods, serve as a drop-off point for relief supplies to war-torn or drought-stricken areas, or offer volunteer opportunities for a local clean-up or fundraising effort. If so, you should post that information on your digital sign.

There are many more than three ways to build brand identity with digital signage. However, these suggestions can get you started. Contact Guthman Signs before you make any digital sign purchase decision. We act as an unbiased broker for 15 sign manufacturers and can advise you on the best type of sign for your purpose. Additionally, we can go over pricing, materials, and durability. If you’re contemplating adding a digital sign for your business, call Guthman Signs today.


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